Friday, March 4, 2011

DeforestACTION: Project Borneo

hello hello hello.... I'm back. This time I want to talk about Deforestation (what the H is that????) anyone know?? Yup, deforestation means cut all of trees in the forest and that will destroy our planet. Beside that, deforestation also damage home of animals there (wow!! what a cruel thing). So, we gotta do something to save our planet!! (SURE!! HAVE TO!!)

There are a lot of things you can do to save our planet, such as reducing to use plastic bags, use electricity just for important thing, take public transportation to get to somewhere because that will reduce pollution, and one more thing that may be you all haven't heard before, do not beef too much (you must be kidding me right??) yeah, that's true, (why??) because the poop of cow produce gases that causes global warming (reallyyyyy????)YES!!

Well, I've done all of them, hopefully I can do more to help our beautiful planet. So, I applied to DeforestACTION: Project Borneo (what's that??) DeforestACTION is looking for ten individuals to lead a global action project and feature in a 3D Action Movie. So, we will stay in Borneo rain forest in Kalimantan for 5 months. 

Guys, I need your support to save our planet (HOW???) that's easy!! just visit this link and sign up (soooo easy....) then vote for my video named "FITRIA. Action Agent" support me guys... this far, I'm the only candidate from Indonesia and this project takes place in Indonesia!!! soooo vote meee and support me!!! Thank You..

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Short Film

Ooohhhh it has been a long time that I haven't written any post... I'm too busy (or pretend to be busy actually. xixi). 

Well, this time I wanna talk about Short Film (yeeaaaahhh!!) do you like watching film?? I do like it. A LOT!! (no body asked you Fitri!!). How about making the film?? have you?? (yuhuuu...) I wanna share my experience in making film. Last month I joined "WIFFest : Wall Street Institute Film Festival" (where is the S?? lol), what's that?? that was making movie competition for students of Wall Street Institute (WSI, that's school of English). The theme for the competition was comedy. So, the film maker had to make a comedy film with duration max 10 minutes (that wa challenging me). As a newbie in making film, WSI gave us many workshops to help us during we made the film. I wanna give my little-tiny-knowledge for you guys. And these are what I got:
  1. Do not think too hard about equipment. You know guys (of course you don't know, I haven't told you yet), I made my film with pocket camera not video camera and I could make it and that was finished. That means you still can make one with or without video camera. One of the speaker in workshop is Paul Agusta he is one of the judges in FFII (if I'm not mistake), he told us that there was a man who record his film with cell phone camera and it's done!! (unbelievable!!) even, that wasn't really really recommended, because the resolution was so freaking bad. By that story, the whole idea is that you can make a film with anything you have and can be used. And one last thing, film is doesn't have to be video, he showed us a film just slides of photos and that works. The movie was Indonesia Bukan Negara Islam. So, don't you worry.
  2. Make a simple story. Short film is different with a usual film, and the difference is time, you just show your film in minutes (OMG... that's why it's called SHORT movie -.-'). So, don't make a complicated story, adopt the story from your daily life or you experience. Just make it simple, but if you can wrap it creatively, that's gonna be special (you think martabak, special!!) I mean interesting. First, when I haven't watched any short film, I thought that was amazing story, different story or unpredictable. But, when I saw it in YouTube, that was just simple story and I started to think that I also can make it. So do you guys.
  3. Use variety shot size. do you know what shot size is?? I know it (snob). Shot size is the size when you take pictures with your camera. There were three big part of shot size. Long shot, Medium shot and Close up. Long shot is you take the pictures from far distance (do you mean 1km from the object??)., or if the object is human, that's gonna be full body. This is the example Long Shot. You see, the object looks smaller then the background.  Next is medium shot is half body usually used when the object is talking between two, this is it Meidum Shot. And the last is close up. Close up is close size, that could be a quarter of body or just face, that's used to show the specific activity or specific thing, Close Up. You'd better use variety shot size to make your movie interesting. If you just make by only one size, that's gonna be boring and flat.
  4. Use as less as actor and place. In short film you don't have to use so many actors and places, because that's gonna make your film complicated and make you difficult if you need to retake the scene. In my film,  I just use 2 actress, me and my sister (xixi), and the place was only my room. simple.
  5. Editing. After you take shots you gotta edit your film (sure!!) to combine the scenes or ti cut unwanted parts. Then what's the software?? dude, don't be too panic. You can buy it in software store only 30.000 rupias or download it FREE (uuuyeeaah) in Mr. Google windows: and many more, mac:, jahshaka also, or that include in your pc. For macbook Apple, you have iMovie and for windows, you have Windows Live Movie Maker or Windows Movie Maker (the old one). Well, in editing that must be transitions, in movie editor has many kinds of transition such as the "cut" (suddenly change to another scene), the fade, it's simply a cross-dissolve between two scenes, the wipe, like you wipe the window :p, and fancy transition, like bubbles, wave, spin ect. The most used one is the fade. to make your movie professional get away from those fancy tansition (why why why?? that's cool men!!)lol. That looks crazy and gonna make your audience
  6. Do not use commercial music. That means, don't put someone's song, usually popular one into your film without their permission. Tat is PIRACY!! Just use sound effect which can be downloaded in Mr. Google for FREE...
  7. No logo or brand in your film. For example the actor wears Nike t-shirt, and Nike logo appears in your film. If, Nike company knows that, you can be demanded. So, be careful buddy.
  8. The last thing and I think this is the most important thing, is Make the film done. You have idea, take shot and finish it. If you want to make good film, make finished film first. But, if you think too long to make it, then you never make it at all.
Woohooo that all I can give you. Maybe ya'all curious, what is my film. I can share those, because I've done mine, and the result I won "The Best English Award" (yeeeeaaaahhhh!!!!) when the host mentioned my name I was just flabbergasted, I couldn't believe it easily. My film was "3-Act Drama" (please see and like :p). See ya in my next post and keep reading my blog (n_n)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Naskah Berita

Hmmm, kali ini saya mau berbagi dengan sesama mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang ambil jurusan komunikasi. Saya mau membagi ilmu tentang naskah berita. Di jurusan ini pasti udah ga asing lagi kan sama yang namanya berita, secara nanti lulusannya mau jadi reporter ya.. Naskah berita tuh ga sembarangan bikin lho, mesti sesuai medium yang digunakan untuk nyempein itu berita (maksud lo??), jadi naskah berita untuk TV itu pasti beda sama naskah berita untuk Koran/Cetak. Apaan aja tuh bedanya?? Nah, mari kita lihat dan pelajari bersama-sama.

  1. Untuk berita cetak, boleh ada lebih dari satu pikiran utama. Sedangkan untuk TV, pikiran utama ga boleh lebih dari satu. Kenapa?? karena TV itu seringkali dikonsumsi sambil lalu atau sambil mengerjakan hal yang lain sehingga konsentrasi akan terbagi, jika kita memberikan pikiran utama lebih dari satu untuk naskah berita TV, itu akan membingungkan penontonnya karena berita TV itu tidak bisa diulang kalau kita ga paham, kecuali kita pake TV yg canggih yang bisa merekam. Sedangkan koran berbeda, kalau misalnya pembaca bingung atau kurang jelas, ia bisa mengulang lagi berita tersebut dengan bembaca ulang.
  2. Naskah Cetak detil, Naskah TV Simpel. Nah, ini maksudnya kalau kita menulis naskah suatu berita, di koran kita boleh tulis panjang lebar, sedetil mungkin. Mis: menulis berita tentang Piala AFF, untuk koran kita bisa menuliskan sejarah berdirinya pertandingan, siapa saja yang mendirikan dsb, tapi kalu di naskah TV kita tidak bisa menulis se-detil itu, karena TV berkaitan erat dengan durasi, jadi hanya simpel dan ringkas. Tapi ingat, simpel dan ringkas itu bukan berarti pelit ya... maksudnya jelas.
  3. Naskah Cetak menggunakan bahasa tulis, Naskah TV menggunakan bahasa tutur. Apa sih bahasa cetak dan bahasa tutur itu?? Bahasa cetak itu adalah bahasa yang digunakan untuk keperluan cetak seperti koran tabloid dll, seddangkan bahasa tutur itu adalah bahasa yang digunakan untuk berbicara langsung, singkatnya bahasa tutur lebih mudah dipahami. Kenapa TV dan Cetak pake bahasa yang berbeda? itu alasannya sama dengan yang no. 1. contoh: "Dikatakan Irfan, bagi umat Islam, khusus di Jawa Barat yang terkenal Religius, nilai-nilai Islam itu sangan relevan dengan budaya Jawa Barat, yang mengedepankan nilai-nilai gotong royong" nah contoh tersebut merupakan contoh bahasa cetak yang saya ambil dari koran POSKOTA. Coba deh, kalian minta orang untuk membacakan berita tersebut dan kalian menutup mata, apakah kalian akan langsung memahami berita tersebut. Biasanya sih tidak. nah kalau berita tersebut dirubah dalam bahasa tutur akan jadi seperti ini: "Irfan mengatakan, umat Islam di Jawa Barat mengedepankan nilai-nilai gotong royong yang relevan dengan nilai-nilai Islam"
  4. Naskah Cetak boleh menggunakan Anak Kalimat, Naskah TV tidak. Apa sih anak kalimat? contoh: "Irfan Bachdim yang merupakan pemain naturalisasi berdarah Indo Belanda ini menangis saat pertandingan usai" yang digaris bawahi itu yang namanya anak kalimat, jadi anak kalimat itu menjelaskan subjek. Kalau di cetak, sah-sah saja pakai anak kalimat karena bisa diulang lagi, tapi kalao di TV jangan memakai anak kalimat karena penonton bisa kehilangan subjek yang ada, karena bingung. Selain itu, dalam bahasa tutur / tatap muka biasanya kita tidak menggunakan anak kalimat.
Ya, itulah sedikit ilmu yang bisa saya bagi sama kalian semua. Semoga bisa bermanfaat ya buat semua yang baca blog saya.. keep reading my blog and wait for my next post...  (n_n)